Contact Us

I Have Questions

Get quick help

Find the “Help” widget at the bottom right of our website or visit for more information on general inquiries. You can also use the quick buttons within the widget to access frequently requested actions like requesting a repair or performing a Swap.

Problem unresolved?

If your issue remains unresolved, click the “Contact Us” button at the bottom of the widget, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

I'm Experiencing Financial Difficulties

How can we help?

We know that unexpected challenges can arise. Whether you need extra time for payments or a different approach to managing your overdue invoices, we're here to support you. Our commitment is to work together to find a fair solution that respects your circumstances and maintains a balanced approach for everyone involved.

Get in contact with us

We’ve created a form to help you easily share the details of your financial difficulties with us. To get started, simply click the button below. We're here to listen and assist you.

Help on payment or hardship notice

Alternatively, you can get in touch with us to provide as much details as you can through:

Please note: We may seek additional documentation from you to assist in providing financial hardship support.

I Have a Complaint

How can we help?

We apologise that your experience with us did not meet your expectations. If you have a complaint, we are committed to resolving it efficiently and effectively, ensuring fairness and transparency in our process.

Get in contact with us

We’ve created a form to help you easily share the details of your experience with us. To get started, simply click the button below. We're here to listen and assist you.

Submit a complaint

Alternatively, you can share your feedback or lodge your complaint through:

Please note: We may seek additional documentation from you to assist in resolving any complaints or disputes.

You can find our complaints management timeline, next steps, and the full policy document here.